Episode #289 It’s Safe To Be Yourself! Featuring Shana Francesca


"I recognized what oppressive leadership does, how it kills the soul. It does not foster life, it is death."

Shana Francesca

Keynote Speaker | Consultant | Workshop Facilitator


Shana Francesca is a resilient individual who overcame a challenging upbringing in an abusive household within an evangelical Christian cult. She found her path to healing through self-discovery and a deep connection to nature.

Shana is now a leader in fostering healthy relationships through the values of curiosity, respect, and accountability.

Shana joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss:

1. Overcoming trauma from an abusive upbringing.

2. Finding joy through self-expression, especially in dance.

3. Understanding the importance of curiosity, respect, and accountability in relationships.

For more insights and to connect with Shana, listeners can follow her on social media @ShanaFResilient or visit her website www.shanaresilient.com.

#Resilience #HealingJourney #Curiosity #Respect #Accountability #Experiences #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


Episode #290 Looking Inwardly for Positive Changes! Featuring Leigh Woolard


Episode #288 Better Than Biology! Featuring Victoria Pelletier