Episode #120: Chasing Excellence Everyday Featuring Joe Templin


If you can continuously improve in some capacity, you're going to develop excellence, especially if your mindset gets there first. So that you force yourself even on not good day, to at least make it better in some capacity.”

Joe Templin


The pursuit of a life of excellence begins with a conscious decision to make changes to our character as well as to the way we behave, act and live our lives.

It’s a series of positive habits strung together that are reflected in our daily living and eventually form how we come to be. It’s far easier said than done because establishing, building and maintaining good habits can be difficult. The key is to start small and develop habits that are so easy to do that you can’t say no to them. If the end goal is to walk 30 minutes a day, start off with five and gradually add more over time. If you want to write that book, commit to scribbling a couple of sentences a day. What you’ll find as you maintain the habit, you’re able to slowly and gradually increase the intensity or frequency until you reach your audacious goal.

“Excellence is in attitude. It is professional pride in all things that you do and a belief that I can be better and adopting that and living it out. So it's an active philosophy is what excellence is.”

Joe Templin is an ultramarathoner, special needs parent, former International Tae Kwon Do Champion, unrepentant geek" and so much more. He’s the author of the book “Every Day Excellence” which is a daily guidebook to help readers make the little choices and changes in direction that bend the curve of their career and life.

Joe stops by The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss the process of developing a life of excellence, the importance of building daily habits and how continuous improvement can lead to an excellent life full of audaciousness.

To learn more about Joe and his work, visit his website here.

#Excellence #Habits #Daily #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


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